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Get more ROI on Your Brochures

By Martin de Munnik

Retail Tip on brochures.

Neuro research shows that 80% of all brochures fail to activate a buying intention. Most often retailers forget to make one or more promises that appeal to and activate the consumer. They also often forget to envisage their target audience themselves, which means that the brain cannot activate its mirror function. To be more effective a retailer should do as follows:

1. Offer a reward. The brain is very sensitive to rewards, so make a promise that shows what the consumer will gain.
2. People always mirror themselves in others: show people visuals of happy consumers making successful use of the product.
3. Justify your discounts: make them credible. Customers want to know why you are offering a discount, and why you are doing so now. Better brochures could save the retail industry a lot of money.

Martin de Munnik is managing partner at Neurensics
