The Global Hub for all Things Neuromarketing!

"Access to the INsights archive"
Last week we launched our new website. The aim of the new website it to position the Neuromarketing Science & Business Association as the international hub for everything related to neuromarketing. The employees of the NMSBA explain what they like the most. An opportunity to meet the team behind the NMSBA and to learn about the new possibilities of our web.
Femke van Zandvoort, Editor in Chief INsights and the Neuromarketing Yearbook: “The best thing about the new web is definitely the INsights archive. It bundles 8 years of hard work in an easy-to-search overview. This archive is available for all corporate and corporate vendor members. Another thing I like is the fact that it is easier to order the yearbook in our new webshop.”
Sara Hoeflaken, Manager Sponsoring & Exhibition: “The look of the new web is modern and fresh. I’m convinced that this will deliver more traffic to our web. The website offers new opportunities for advertising”
Naomi Yogi-van Loon, Content Manager / Copy Writer: "What I love about the new website is the amount of information available. Whether you're looking for a brief primer on neuromarketing, or want to learn about specific techniques, or perhaps even study neuromarketing - it's all there. The new website truly makes the NMSBA a hub for all things neuromarketing!"
Verona Schrijvers, Personal Assistant / Members Services: “The website gives an answer to many frequently asked questions. What is neuromarketing? Where can I study neuromarketing? What neuromarketing companies are in my country? It’s all there. The best thing? Vendor members can update their directory listing themselves.”
Isa Broere, Administration & Analyses: “The back-end of the new website gives a lot more functionality than the previous one. International VAT rules in events and services are complicated, but the new web supports it all. For our members it is a step forward that they can sign up for events with 15% discount in just a few clicks, without the need of a seperate dicsount code.
Carla Nagel, Executive Director: “I like everything about our new web, haha! Oh wait, I need to choose only one thing…? Ok then… I think the new web shows that the NMSBA has become more mature since the start in 2012. We organized our content around our new mission statement, to support everyone in:
- learning about neuromarketing
- meeting people with an interest in neuromarketing and
- buying neuromarketing services.
This approach makes the NMSBA the global hub for neuromarketing information”